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    Purple Diamond

    Purple Diamond

    Purple Diamond Testing includes packaging materials, packaging components, primary packaging, shipping containers, unit loads, and other key packaging characteristics.

    Purple Diamond is a full-service package testing facility serving a variety of high-touch industries.

    Our facility hosts several dedicated laboratories, including an Environmental Conditioning Lab with ICH Stability Storage.

    We evaluate according to a diverse range of industry standards and procedures, such as ASTM, ISO, ISTA, TAPPI, and UN/DOT.

    Purple Diamond’s Quality Management System is managed following the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 through ANAB.

    There are several types of packaging tests that may be conducted including:
    Physical Testing – This involves testing the physical properties of the packaging material such as strength, durability, and impact resistance.
    Environmental Testing – This involves exposing the packaging material to various environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light to ensure that it can withstand these conditions.
    Chemical Testing – This involves testing the packaging material’s resistance to various chemicals, acids, and alkalis that it may come in contact with during its lifecycle.
    Performance Testing – This involves testing the packaging material’s performance under simulated real-world conditions to ensure that it meets its intended purpose.
    Compatibility Testing – This involves testing the compatibility of the packaging material with the product being packed to ensure that it does not react with or contaminate the product.