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    Advanta (Nicholl Food Packaging)

    Advanta (Nicholl Food Packaging)

    Nicholl Food Packaging has been sold by administrators to the Euro Packaging Group

    sale of Nicholl Food Packaging to Euro Packaging

    ADVANTA is one of the leading foil container manufacturers in Europe. Our headquarters in Cannock, United Kingdom is purpose-built and establishes new standards for the whole packaging industry to follow. Our rigorously applied industrial logic of maintaining low unit cost output when compared with the rest of Europe is delivered in the most hygienic conditions.

    The ADVANTA workforce is committed to the success of our venture and we discharge our environmental responsibilities thoroughly. We are very proud of our business and our reputation.

    As an ADVANTA customer, you do not have to demand competitive cost, quality, reliability and service - you have a right to them and you can expect to receive them from our first day of trading.

    For more than a decade, customer satisfaction and reliability have been our watchwords. The result is that we have an excellent reputation throughout the food industry.

    Company History

    In 2014 the Nicholl Group of Companies, an umbrella group for Nicholl Food Packaging, Ecopla and Bachmann, was given a fresh new identity. The new company name, ADVANTA, represents the forward thinking nature of the business.

    Originally founded in 1989, we have grown to encompass production facilities on a large site in the UK. These are complemented by further manufacturing facilities in France, Germany and a Northern European warehousing and distribution hub in Belgium.

    By organic growth and acquisition we have become the largest producer of food packaging in Europe.

    Quality and Hygiene

    Our commitment to quality is outstanding, and recognised as a benchmark throughout the industry.

    We have extended our commitment to quality and hygiene by becoming the first Foil Container Manufacturer in Europe to be accredited to standards set by the British Retail Consortium ensuring quality through every stage of the product lifecycle, from initial concept through to delivering the product to customers.

    We have achieved ISO 14001 certification after a rigorous inspection of its environmental practices. The award reflects the company's insistence not only on the highest production standards but also on contributing towards a better environment.

    We have in place a full HACCP hazard analysis programme to prevent the possibility of cross contamination.

    We refuse to compromise hygiene for the sake of profit. For more than fifteen years, we have been leading all European container manufacturers with our commitment to hygiene.

    Environmental Policy

    ADVANTA has a deep commitment to protecting the environment. We are proud to be a member of ALUPRO, responsible for a number of recycling initiatives.

    Not only do we meet government legislation by fulfilling our obligations under The Producer Responsibility Obligation (Packaging Waste) regulations 2007, but where possible we exceed the statutory requirements. Aluminium, our basic material, is endlessly recyclable. It’s 95% recoverability leads to the conservation of natural energy resources and means that Aluminium has low legislative compliance costs. The result is that our foil is not only environmentally acceptable, but also a very competitive choice in the marketplace when set against competing raw materials.

    For more information please read our Environmental Policy.

    Roberts Metal Packaging