Bag-in-bottle technology, separating liquids from air to allow for 360° dispensing, and longer shelf-life & freshness.

Features & Benefits

Liquid dispensing without propellant gases

  • Sustainable and easy to handle and store.

Variable and customizable

  • Sustainable for co-development.
  • A novel handling, storage, and dispensing solution for your (perishable) liquids.

Keep liquids separate from air 

  • Full 360-degree dispensing with high evacuation rates.
  • Longer shelf-life and freshness, with no contamination risk.
  • Protection of sensitive formulas.

One platform solution

  • You can switch dispensing liquids at any time.

Patented combination of materials

  • PET (outside bottle) and PE (inside) or PET and PP.


  • Juan Pablo Rueda
  • Product Range
  • English
  • Created 18 Apr 2023
  • Modified 25 May 2023
  • Hits 219