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    E-Commerce Packaging

    A survey completed by Shorr Packaging has revealed adult e-commerce customers aren’t satisfied with packaging. In fact, only 11 percent of total customers are completely satisfied.

    The goal of the survey was to find out how consumers want their custom packaging and if how often they shop can affect their preferences. Custom packaging’s branded designs are helpful in areas of brand recognition, less damage and lower costs on shipping.

    Custom packaging is so important that 42 percent of consumers said they’re “very likely” to notice a custom design on their parcel upon arrival, as opposed to 2 percent that were “very unlikely” to notice it. To prove it even more, 71 percent of consumers find the custom design on their e-commerce packages as important.

    Out of the 11 percent of overall people who are dissatisfied with custom packaging, 55 percent of those people think the packages that are hard to open are the most irritating. With such an emphasis on the important of custom packaging, these statistics prove there needs to be a change in the industry.

    Take premium shoppers for example, 15 percent of them are more likely to make a repeat purchase and in turn, share their satisfaction on social media. Of these premium shoppers, returning customers spend 67 percent more money than first-time customers and 26 percent of premium shoppers think the custom packaging aspect makes the product they ordered more valuable to them.

    When it comes to the returning process, 95 percent will become repeat customers if the process of returning products is easy for them. Seventy-eight percent of premium shoppers (who are 22 percent more likely to return products) prefer to return their package in its original, return-return ready packaging.

    • Topic Entry
    • English
    • Modified 13 Apr 2016
    • Hits 862