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    Our Megapack multi-disc case is now in production in the U.S. and Europe

    • Amaray

    To support the growing market of multi-disc media cases we have relocated production to meet our customers’ needs and the media market demands.

    The smooth transition of moving production tools from our facilities in China across to Europe via the US showcases our global strength and ability to transfer production tools around the world without causing delays to the supply chain. With production closer to our customers’ we are able to improve our operational flexibility and provide shorter product/service lead times.

    The Megapack range provides a wonderful option for sets of between 4 to 24 discs and is available in 4 different case size options:

    4-8 discs | 8-12 discs | 12-18 discs | 18-24 discs

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 26 Oct 2015
    • Modified 18 Dec 2015
    • Hits 1493