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For the complete rotary solution, from rubber-eject to pin-stripper units, you’ll benefit from the experience and technology of Arden Dies. We have invested heavily in two high-powered, rotary/flat bed combination lasers, both capable of cutting rotary shells ranging between 177.4 and 650.4 diameters.
From CAD origination, through to dispatch - we have people with the experience to understand your needs, and processes to ensure your best productivity and quality levels can be achieved. Through our investment in leading-edge technology we have established ourselves as a premier supplier of rotary corrugated tooling. As well as press-ready rotary dies (rubber eject or pin strip system), we offer a laser shell cutting service to converters who have their own in-house die shops. We will also provide on-site technical support via our technical sales managers to ensure our products perform to their maximum potential. Whatever the make of your converting machine, Arden Dies will manufacture tooling to suit your machine specifications.