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Wednesday, February 10th, Day 1
09:00 - 09:30 - Claire Cogan – Head of Commercial Intelligence - Britvic
Pinpointing parts of the shopper journey where consumers can become most engaged in their weekly shop
- Appreciating shopper behaviour is largely based on unconscious decisions, in turn demonstrating the need to find accurate methods of recording shopper insights
- Evaluating what it takes to engage a shopper in a product purchase to identify common in-store prompts
- Determining if habit will always remain the largest reason for shopper purchase choices in certain categories
- Spotlighting where shoppers are most emotionally engaged with their purchase to assess which category has the biggest potential for building brand relationships
- Considering evidence that consumers are likely to overlook new products on shelves despite finding them desirable because of habitual shopping
09:30 - 10:00 - Rob Feldmann – Chief Executive Officer - BrandAlley
Keynote Presentation; Building on the importance of close links with your retailers to ensure your products are presented strongly to shoppers
- Delving into the possibility of having more open relationships between retailers and brands in regards to the sharing of key shopper insights
- Recognising more open data sharing between both retailers and brands could benefit the profits and customer relations with both companies
- Communicating your ideas as effectively as possible to your retailer to ensure key brand traits are translated as effectively as possible to in-store shoppers
- Avoiding retailers overlooking your long-term product strategies to ensure future growth by emphasizing the value of your product to the category
- Sharing retailer plans for the future to help brands better engage with their retailer ‘s aspirations
10:00 - 10:30 - Session reserved for sponsor
10:30 - 11:00 - John Constantinou – Head of International Brand - Tesco PLC
Managing your brand in a competitive retail environment (globally)
- The key issues affecting the performance of retail brands across the globe
- Key customer trends that retail brands should consider going forward
- What does this means for retail brands going forward?
11:00 - 11:45 - Morning break
11:45 - 12:30 - Chair: Jesper Kvisgaard – Business Intelligence Manager - CO-RO FOOD
Speaker: Susie Gaunt – Director - Brand Potential
Panel Discussion; Spotlighting key in-store areas where shoppers are most likely to engage in brand switching over habitual buying
- Delving into what is needed in-store to engage a shopper in their product purchase for the benefit of brands and retailers
- Determining if habit will always remain the largest reason for shopper purchase choices in certain categories
12:30 - 12:50 - Session reserved for the 'Visuality Group’
12:50 - 14:00 - Lunch and networking
14:00 - 14:30 - Claire Doyle – Associate Director Shopper Insights Europe - Coca-Cola Enterprises
Case Study Presentation from Coca-Cola Enterprises
14:30 - 15:00 - Session reserved for sponsor
15:00 - 15:30 - Stephen Lavery – Head of Insight - Winterbotham Darby & Co Ltd
Identifying strategies for own label suppliers to help them uncover their own shopper insights to benefit product development
- Focussing on the size of the own-label market within the grocery sector to uncover the large potential of improved shopper insights in the area
- Uncovering how own-brand insights can broaden the information gathered on shopper trends beyond retail data
- Ascertaining how own-label suppliers can successfully implement shopper insights into their products to improve the popularity of their products with the shopper
- Appreciating the often limited budget of own-label suppliers when seeking new sources of shopper trends to find how insights can be gathered by affordable means
- Reviewing ways own-label suppliers and retailers can work together to make own-label more appealing to shoppers
15:30 - 16:00 - Afternoon refreshments and networking
16:00 - 16:30 - Chris Connor – Group Head of Shopper Capability - SABMiller
Panel Discussion; Overcoming lack of cohesion between insights/in store teams and other business functions to create a more intelligent and integrated insights strategy
- "Where retail intersects with response advertising": How much does this statement ring true in the way companies approach shopper insights?
- Using shopper insights ‘thinking’ in your overall commercial process: Exploring the best ways of making this a reality
16:30 - 16:45 - Session reserved for Sponsor
16:45 - 17:15 - Martin Knowles – Sales and Marketing Director - Periproducts
Case Study; Spotlighting how to develop and apply insights within a small company
17:15 - 17:45 - Joe Taylor – Customer Marketing and Category Development Controller - Real Handfull
Case study; Highstreet vs. Online; How strong partnerships with retailers can propel your brand to success
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