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    COSIMA - Timeless Elegance

    • Bakic Group

    Our Cosima-line is regally tall and softly rounded, lending it a low centre of gravity and visual stability. Its striking stylish shape makes it a timelessly elegant representative of exclusive cosmetic products.

    A wide variety of caps lend the differently sized bottles in plastic and glass, and the jar, a constantly new character. Each of these caps creates a different tone: from the gracefully floating COSIMA and opulently lavish LAJA to the purist elegance of DELIA. The bottle shape remains the same, the look is stunningly refreshing.

    See also

    BAKIC GROUP | Mila lipgloss

    Lip glosses are essential in any makeup lover’s collection and have been a faithful companion in the industry for quite some time now. They are portable, easy to use, and offer a wide range of design options that cater both functionality and aesthetics. Our lip glosses come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing you to showcase your unique style and personality. This variety also makes it easier for consumers to find a product that suits their preferences and needs. Our lip glosses are made of PETG – making it an environmentally friendlier choice for color cosmetic packaging.

    • Gratiela Adriana Stefan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 24 Mar 2015
    • Modified 02 Nov 2015
    • Hits 999