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Bapco Closures has launched its first closure in Australia with an 82mm twister created for SPC Ardmona, the country's leading fruit processing company.
The two part injection moulded closure has been applied to Goulburn Valley and SPC fruit products where it has hit shelves of major supermarkets Coles and Woolworths.
The new partnership with SPC Ardmona is an exciting one for Bapco Closures, which has successfully entered the UK and North American markets in the last few years: "This is Bapco Closures' debut in Australia, but one we are confident will lead onto more successes in the future", said Stephen Dawson, CEO of Bapco Closures.
"SPC Ardmona was the first company in the world to pack fruit in transparent, resealable, plastic jars that could be refrigerated, so our closure with integrated fused foil laminate was a perfect fit for the company's product design and brand development."
Not only do the new closures provide SPC Ardmona with an opportunity to differentiate its own Goulburn Valley and SPC brands from private label, but it has also allowed the company to reduce container leaks, as Trevor Mckay, Packaging Manager of Business Development, Innovation and Technology at SPC Admona explains:
"With the Bapco closure the foil is welded not sealed to the container, preventing unnecessary leakage. Our leak rates have actually halved since the introduction of the Bap® technology, which is a fantastic reduction in waste for our business. An additional benefit is the consistency of the container opening experience for our consumers – it is no longer in direct relationship to the sealing parameters that used to control peelability."