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    Bapco Closures announces license agreement

    • Bapco Closures
    North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Eating, Drinking, Primary Packaging, Plastic

    Bapco Closures, a leading designer and supplier of closures for the food and drink industry, has signed a license agreement with Aptargroup, Inc. allowing the international company to manufacture, market and sell BAP® closure technology.

    With manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe, Asia and South America, Aptargroup, Inc. will help Bapco Closures increase the exposure of its innovative, patented technology.

    Stephen Dawson, CEO of Bapco Closures, said: "We are delighted to formalise our working relationship with Aptargroup, which brings a world class sales and manufacturing infrastructure along with a proven track record in commercialising innovative packaging solutions.

    This is undoubtedly the right move for Bapco Closures to enable us to widen our market and introduce more retailers to our unique closure technology."

    Bapco Closures was set up in 1998 when the founders came up with a solution to the leaky milk bottle top. The technology is a two-part injection-moulded closure system that features an overcap and spout with an integrated fused foil laminate. The foil provides an absolute seal, that delivers leak-proof packaging and, because the foil, rather than the overcap, traps the vacuum, it is easier to twist off or simply flip open.

    Aptargroup, Inc. President and CEO, Peter Pfeiffer commented: "BAP® technology nicely compliments our new market-focused structure as we continue to accelerate the development of innovative products that are aligned with global market applications and consumer preferences."

    Bapco Closures recently signed a deal with G's Marketing and Marks and Spencer to supply its new pickles range. By replacing traditional glass containers with the closure system and a plastic container, the UK retailer has been able to reduce the weight of the packaging by 80%.

    See also

    Bapco Closures scores Australian first with SPC Ardmona launch

    Bapco Closures has launched its first closure in Australia with an 82mm twister created for SPC Ardmona, the country’s leading fruit processing company. The two part injection moulded closure has been applied to Goulburn Valley and SPC fruit products where it has hit shelves of major supermarkets Coles and Woolworths. The closure, with an integrated fused foil laminate, was a perfect fit for the company’s product design and brand development.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 25 Aug 2015
    • Hits 2164