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    RPC Superfos pot provides tamper evidence for artisan gelato

    • Berry 3D
    Eating, Drinking, Food, Frozen Desserts, Primary Packaging, Tubs, Caps, Lids, TE Closure, Food, Drink Service Components, Tabletop - Spoons, Plastic

    The UniPak pot from RPC Superfos is providing a gelato ice cream company with its ideal packaging solution. Palazzolo’s Artisan Dairy is particularly pleased with the UniPak’s tamper evident feature, as well as its spoon in the lid and high-quality graphics, and the collaborative partnership the company enjoys with RPC Superfos.

    The Michigan, US-based company was seeking a packaging solution of sufficient quality to match its fresh, uncompromised ingredients. In particular, CEO and Founder Pete Palazzolo selected the UniPak pot because of its standard tamper evidence feature, which is easily detectable and comfortable for end-users to break.

    “The tamper evidence of the UniPak pots is very attractive,” he explains. “Besides assuring the end-user of an untouched product, the feature optimises our manufacturing process and, at the same time, it safeguards the quality of the Palazzolo products. This is because tamper evidence eliminates the need for burning a foil seal on the plastic rim, so our gelato avoids a heat shock – it stays delicious and we save time.”

    Also key to the solution for Palazzolo’s is the spoon in the pot’s lid, which makes the range’s 69mm diameter model perfect for eating straightaway. This adds convenience to Palazzolo’s gelatos, sorbets, and more, which are often sold from food trucks in front of American football stadiums, concert halls, and at other events where people buy treats for immediate consumption.

    These venues, together with the gastronomic restaurants and boutique-style retailers that are its typical outlets, make eye-catching artwork a must for Palazzolo’s. The UniPak pot solution is embellished with advanced scratch-resistant in-mould labelling, which produces immaculate graphics, vivid colours, and clear details. In this way it reflects the bright colours and intense flavours that characterise Palazzolo’s products.

    “The artwork looks beautiful and the quality of the print job is better than what you normally see,” comments Pete Palazzolo. “In addition, the feel of the UniPak container, in any size we use, gets a lot of positive remarks these days.

    “We experience RPC Superfos as being much more than just a packaging provider,” he continues. “They are more like a partner who really wants to see our business growing and succeeding. Our connection is far from a one-time sales contract; it is much more like the beginning of a long-term business relationship.”

    Founded in 1986, Palazzolo’s Artisan Dairy offers more than 1,000 flavours – from vegan frozen yoghurt to banana split sundae – all made at its 50,000 square-feet dairy. Its products are free from corn syrup and unhealthy greasy additives.

    See also

    • Brand Launch
    • English
    • Modified 15 Nov 2018
    • Hits 2853