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    Biocorp News

    « L’ambition de Biocorp est de développer des solutions innovantes afin d’améliorer l’observance dans le cadre de maladies chroniques. Après de premières applications développées en diabétologie, endocrinologie et neurologie avec le Datapen et l’Easylog, notre nouveau device connecté, Inspair, nous permet de nous tourner aujourd’hui vers les maladies respiratoires chroniques, dont le nombre de cas augmentent considérablement chaque année, et pour lesquelles l’observance est un élément clé du traitement », a déclaré Jacques Gardette, Fondateur et CEO de Biocorp.

    Inspair apporte une réponse innovante et efficace dans le cadre de ces deux pathologies en agissant directement sur l’observance du traitement, mais également sur le lien entre le patient et le corps médical qui peut ainsi assurer un suivi thérapeutique en temps réel. Inspair est un capteur intelligent qui permet de transformer n’importe quel aérosol-doseur pressurisé en dispositif connecté, en mesure d’enregistrer les données relatives aux inhalations et d’assurer la prise optimale du traitement (maîtrise de la technique d’inhalation). Equipé de capteurs et d’une carte électronique, Inspair est compatible avec les embouts buccaux de la plupart des inhalateurs existants sur le marché, grâce à des adaptateurs spécifiques.

    Il enregistre automatiquement les données relatives aux inhalations au quotidien, contrôle la bonne préparation de l’aérosol (qui doit être agité avant l’usage), évalue la synchronisation de l’inhalation (coordination main-bouche) et fournit des indications utiles sur les différentes étapes de l’inhalation.

    Inspair agit ainsi sur les leviers clés de l’éducation thérapeutique, laquelle intégrée au traitement permet : de réduire les hospitalisations et appels aux services d’urgence, de diminuer l’occurrence des crises et autres symptômes, et d’améliorer le confort quotidien du patient. Le dispositif connecté de Biocorp, au-delà d’un simple outil pour le traitement, devient ainsi une part intégrante de celui-ci.

    Toujours dans la lignée de sa stratégie de propriété intellectuelle, qui lui confère un atout compétitif majeur, Biocorp a déposé une série de brevets à l’échelle internationale qui lui assure la propriété, la preuve d’antériorité et l’exclusivité de l’exploitation du produit Inspair.


    1 Source : http://www.lemonde.fr/sante/article/2016/05/03/quatre-millions-d-asthmatiques-en-france-un-chiffre-sousestime_4912620_1651302.html#SwIJb5JXKS4Ebi7K.99

    2 Source : http://www.lemonde.fr/sante/article/2016/05/03/quatre-millions-d-asthmatiques-en-france-un-chiffre-sousestime_4912620_1651302.html#SwIJb5JXKS4Ebi7K.99

    3 Source : Institut de Recherche et Documentation en économie de la Santé

    4 Source : Association BPCO

    Europe, France, Switzerland, France, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Medical, Diagnostics, Drug Delivery Devices, Click, Supply Chain Services, Shows, Associations, Media, Packaging Awards

    BIOCORP (FR0012788065 – ALCOR / PEA‐PME eligible), a French company specializing in the development and manufacturing of innovative medical and drug delivery devices, announced today that it has won the European Product Line Strategy Leadership award granted by prestigious consulting firm Frost & Sullivan.

    This product leadership award recognizes European companies that have demonstrated an outstanding ability to develop innovative products in a given field. Analysts and consultants from Frost & Sullivan chose the award winner after carrying out a study to identify the best strategies in Europe — particularly for enhancing the customer experience.

    BIOCORP stood out from other companies on several complementary criteria highlighting its innovations in the development of medical devices for the pharmaceutical industry and consolidating its position as a pioneer in the field of connected devices: Breadth, Scalability, Technology Leverage, Features, Supply Chain Reliability, Price/Performance Value and Brand Equity.

    Frost & Sullivan underlines the high potential of various technologies developed by BIOCORP, which has addressed several global healthcare delivery concerns, finding markets enthusiastically waiting for its solutions. BIOCORP has accurately amalgamated novel and emerging technologies to dramatically increase the access to new product developments by combining the latest innovations in digital transformation with advanced therapeutics’ delivery and administration systems. BIOCORP has made the difference by providing a more automated, less-invasive, more personalized, and precise therapeutics administration technology, along with more comfortable and easier-to-use devices for both patients and clinicians1.
    “We are honored to receive this award from Frost & Sullivan. It is highlighting the potential of our innovating technology, which represents a genuine competitive asset and enables us to come up with unique and high-value solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, as well as our strong growth potential on a market eager for new solutions. It is a fair acknowledgment of our team members’ hard work”, said Jacques Gardette, BIOCORP’s CEO.

    Europe, France, Switzerland, France, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Medical, Diagnostics, Primary Packaging, Pharmaceutical Components, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Reusable Packaging, Recycling, Shows, Associations, Media, Packaging Trade Shows, Events, Pharmapack, Packaging Awards

    The Awards are organized alongside the Pharmapack Europe conference and exhibition each year from its inception in 1997 onwards, and reward the best innovations in the pharmaceutical industry every year. Biocorp’s smart sensor Easylog has received an award in the category Best Exhibitor Innovation for "customization and user-friendliness” acknowledged for being an intuitive real time monitoring tool for patients and health care professionals.

    EasyLog, a smart sensor for drug delivery systems

    Easylog is a smart sensor that converts all insulin delivery devices, reusable as well as disposable, into internetconnected and communicating devices. Easylog mobile application provides users with reminders for drug delivery, alerts in case of double injection, real-time access to patients’ historical data and personalized logbook.
    Easylog is an innovative solution that meets the challenges of personalized medicine and is a crucial tool to ensure the highest quality of treatment against chronic diseases, improving the patient’s comfort and providing relevant information for treatment follow-up to healthcare professionals.
    Back in 2015, Biocorp had already been awarded by Pharmapack for its Datapen, a connected injector pen. « We are very honored to receive this new Award presented by Pharmapack Europe. Following Datapen in 2015, it is the turn of our Easylog smart sensor to be in the public eye. Easylog is a unique solution that contributes to the increase of the compliance rates, which are still very low among patients suffering from chronic diseases. Our contribution in this field aims to improve the patient’s comfort and data reliability for all stake holders. We are extremely proud to receive the Pharmapack Award which highlights once again our innovations and the major progress they bring”, commented Jacques Gardette, Biocorp’s CEO and founder.

    About PHARMAPACK awards

    Coinciding with Pharmapack Europe Exhibition since its first edition in 1997, the Pharmapack Awards have been rewarding the best innovations in the pharmaceutical industry every year. In 2016, Pharmapack Europe awarded two categories within the framework of the Pharmapack Awards:

    • Best Health Products: This award category is dedicated to the visitors' innovations. The prize will reward the pharma companies and the suppliers that they have worked with to develop the product. It can be a health product launch or an enhancement of an existing product for which the packaging has been improved.
    • The Exhibitor Innovation: This award will recognize the best innovations among the exhibitors' innovations displayed in the Innovation Gallery. The jury is made up of over 380 companies. The award ceremony was held by decisions makers in the pharmaceutical R&D and purchasing for packaging fields.

    More information: http://www.pharmapackeurope.com/europe/enter-awards

    Europe, Nordic Countries, Sweden, France, Switzerland, France, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Prescription Drugs, Medical, Diagnostics, Primary Packaging, Pharmaceutical Components, Syringes, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging

    BIOCORP, a French company specializing in the development and manufacturing of innovative medical and drug delivery devices (FR12788065 — ALCOR / PEA-PME eligible) introduces Easylog, its new add-on to improve diabetic patients’ adherence to insulin injections. The first internet-connected system of its kind, Easylog attaches to the insulin pen, which, with 51.5 million users worldwide and an average annual growth of 13%, is now the most popular mode of treatment among diabetic patients*.

    Easylog, a smart sensor for insulin delivery systems

    “Having gained recognition with our innovative DataPen, the first-ever smart injection pen, we intensified our R&D efforts with the intention to expand the scope of our disruptive technologies to dynamic markets with strong growth potential. Today, this strategy allows us to provide manufacturers with a practical, internetconnected, easy-to-use solution that is compatible with existing insulin delivery devices and meets the challenges of personalized medicine. With this innovation, we seek once again to promote a better management of chronic diseases by bringing comfort to patients, empowering doctors and caregivers to ensure that the right treatments are given at the right time with the right dose, and by creating value for our pharmaceutical partners,” said Jacques Gardette, Biocorp’s President and founder.

    A unique, patented technology whose design has been registered — a prototype of which was unveiled at the 2015 annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, in mid-September in Stockholm — EasyLog is an intelligent sensor that converts all insulin delivery devices, reusable as well as disposable, into internet-connected and communicating devices.

    The data collected (insulin doses, patients’ vital signs, etc.) are encrypted and made anonymous thanks to Biocorp’s extensive know-how in health data security.

    These data are first stored on servers belonging to a secured and government-certified web host before being safely transferred to a mobile app similar to the one used for DataPen. This application provides users with treatment reminders, alerts in case of a risk of insulin overdose, and access to patients’ historical data, among other services. Thanks to this real-time monitoring of the treatment, the patient is empowered to adhere to his treatment, while the medical staff can tailor individual treatment recommendations.

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    * Source: Insulin Pen Market, Users (reusable & prefilled) & forecast, Worldwide analysis, Renub Research, 2014

    • Marine Silarbi
    • News App
    • English
    • Created 11 Apr 2016
    • Modified 11 Apr 2016
    • Hits 1902