BiocorpCompany NewsBIOCORP wins the Frost & Sullivan Product Line Strategy Leadership awardBIOCORP stood out in the field of digital health solutions and smart drug delivery systems throughout Europe in 2015.
BiocorpProduct InfoBiocorp lance Inspair, le capteur intelligent qui transforme les inhalateurs en dispositifs connectéssociété française spécialisée dans le développement et la fabrication de dispositifs médicaux et de ...
BiocorpProduct RangePassive safety systemTo avoid infection risks due to use of contaminated syringes and to follow the W.H.O’s guidelines re...
BiocorpYouTube VideoBiocorp, pioneer in connected healthBIOCORP is a French publicly traded company specialized in the development and manufacturing of inno...
BiocorpProduct RangeConnected medical devicesDesigned to meet patients' evolving needs and health industrials new requirements
BiocorpProduct RangeBiopass, Reconstitution DevicesBIOPASS ensures a smooth preparation of injectable medications. The BIOPASS system allows to reconst...
BiocorpInnovationBIOCORP launches Easylog, the first-ever add-on to convert insulin delivery systems into internet-connected devicesIn order to improve patients’ adherence to diabetes treatments, Biocorp has developed the first-ever...
BiocorpCompany NewsBIOCORP wins the Pharmapack Award for its smart sensor, Easylogssoire, February 11th, 2016 – BIOCORP, (FR0012788065 – ALCOR / PEA‐PME eligible), a French company s...
BiocorpYouTube VideoBiocorp, pioneer in connected healthBIOCORP is a French publicly traded company specialized in the development and manufacturing of inno...