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    Headquarters Location

    United States Georgia, United States

    Primary Business

    Primary Packaging - Manufacturer, Vendor

    Secondary Business

    Secondary Packaging - Manufacturer, Vendor

    Annual Turnover (Approx.)

    $ 700,000,000

    Total Employees

    1,000-5,000 employees
    • North America

    • USA

    • US - The Northeast

    • US - The Midwest

    • US - The West

    • US - The South

    • Canada

    • Europe

    • UK, Ireland

    • England

    • Iberia

    • Spain

    • France, Switzerland

    • France

    • Italy

    • Germany, Austria

    • Germany

    • Asia

    • East Asia

    • China

    • Eating, Drinking

    • Food

    • Frozen Foods

    • Dry Foods

    • Candies, Sweets

    • Home Care

    • Paints, Finishes, Pastes

    • Consumer Durables

    • Furniture

    • Media, Books

    • Tools, Hardware

    • Premium

    • Textiles, Clothing

    • Primary Packaging

    • Bottles

    • Bottles - Roll On

    • Tubes

    • Primary Boxes, Cases

    • Metal Tins

    • Metal Paint Tins

    • Caps, Lids

    • Snap On Closure

    • Closure Components

    • Liners/Inserts

    • Flexibles

    • Film, Sheet

    • Sleeves

    • Secondary Packaging

    • Secondary Boxes, Cases

    • Folding Carton Packaging

    • Labels

    • Wrapping

    • Binding

    • Glue, Adhesives

    • Cushioning

    • Corner, Edge Protection

    • Tertiary Packaging

    • Pallets

    • Stretch Film

    • Strapping

    • Active, Smart Packaging

    • Sustainable Packaging

    • High PCR Content Packaging

    • Eco-Sensitive Packaging

    • Snap On

    • Machinery

    • Printing, Labelling Machinery

    • Robot

    • Plastic

    • Plastic - Film

    • Plastic - PET

    • Metal

    • Metal - Steel

    • Tree Derivatives

    • Wood

    • Wood - Plywood

    • Paper

    • Paper - Kraft

    • Paper - Woven

    • Board

    • Board - Cardboard

    • Board - Carton

    • Board - Corrugated

    • Ceramic

    • Ceramic - Mud

    • Stone

    • Stone - Marble

    • Textiles

    • Textiles - Leather

    • Textiles - Silk

    • Contract Packaging, Packing

    • Wrapping, Bagging

    • Printing

    • Embossed Printing

    • Label Printing

    • Pre-Press Services

    • Recycling

    • Supply Chain Services

    • Sustainable Solutions

    • Product Development Services

    • Package Design

    • Laboratory, Testing, Certification

    • ISO Certifications

    • ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems

    • Shows, Associations, Media

    • Packaging Awards