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Blister packaging is used to present products in markets including personal care, stationery, electrical, household cleaning and pet care. We supply a variety of blister card solutions to client production sites in the UK and Europe.
We produce hundreds of millions of blister cards annually making us the leading UK manufacturer and our experience is unrivalled. We provide robust, environmentally-sustainable, end-to-end Blister card solutions that meet the demands of customer production sites.
Working with customer technical teams we develop successful blistercard solutions that meet specific needs. This leads to blister pack products that work best in customer factories. Working in a temperature and humidity controlled environment, we print, seal and manufacture in a quality focused, measurable and consistent way to achieve highly efficient production.
Prior to leaving our factory, every order is sampled and blister tested on our own heat sealing equipment. We can guarantee our blister cards offer PREDICTABLE REPEATABLE BONDING © in customer manufacturing sites, reducing spoilage, improving efficiency and the utilisation of plant. Our customers receive a faster rate of return on their investments.
We are respected market leaders in the production of blister cards.