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    CCI Productions

    CCI Productions

    Specializes in the manufacture of perfumes and traditional and biological cosmetics for prestige brands. CCI Productions offers its clients a range of personalized services such as formulation, regulatory affairs, manufacturing and packaging.

    Our Commitments


    • Not to discriminate in respect of employment or labour relations.
    • To recruit and promote employees according to their own qualities and treat them with dignity.
    • To take the necessary measures to ensure working conditions for employees that respect their health and ensure their safety.
    • To eliminate all forms of forced labour and respect the ILO conventions on child labour.
    • To respect the freedom to form and organise trade unions for the defence of employees and to recognise the right to collective bargaining.


    • To comply with local and international environmental requirements.
    • To identify and reduce the negative impact of our activities on the environment.
    • To optimise waste management based on reduction, re-use and recycling.
    • To continue reductions in energy consumption.


    • To comply with the locally applicable rules of intellectual property together with the rights of third parties.
    • To respect all local agreements and legislation relating to patents.
    • To respect the principles laid down by the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol regarding patents, and not to file a patent relating to biological resources found in nature and / or traditional knowledge of local people.
    • To respect all local conventions and legislation relating to copyright / trademarks / designs and models (especially not to attempt to obtain intellectual property rights on signs, decorative objects or elements traditionally used locally and which are not protected).
    • To respect, and ensure that others respect, the confidentiality of business relations.
    • Not to disclose information about the knowledge, expertise and heritage of partners' intangible property, whether protected or not.

    All employees of the group, regardless of their function and hierarchical level, must respect the principles of behaviour described below.

    Our Rules


    • To respect people and their rights, and refrain from any behaviour of intolerance, discrimination or physical or moral violence.
    • To base professional relations on listening, dialogue, trust and team spirit.
    • To respect and protect the privacy of colleagues, clients or third parties.


    • To practice zero tolerance regarding all forms of fraud and corruption.
    • To ensure the prohibition of gifts and hospitality, either given or received.
    • To be a player in the ethics of the group, striving to be exemplary in their behaviour and to promote the ethics of the group in business activities and professional relations.


    • To act with loyalty and ensure accordingly not to directly or indirectly engage in any activity, or make any statements, that would place them in a position of conflict of interest with the group.
    • To inform their superiors in the event of conflict of interest and avoid any intervention in the relations that the group has with the third party concerned.

    We are counting on each of you to adopt this charter, to communicate it and respect it, and, together, to be true to our values.

    Our GMP* industrial processes are annually recognized compliant with the ECOCERT** standards and have been awarded the labels NATURE ET PROGRES, COSMEBIO, FDA approval and Santé Canada certification.

    * Good Manufacturing Practices
    ** According to ECOCERT standards available at http://cosmetics.ecocert.com

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