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    For over half a century Chimicolor has been marking all metal and plastic supports with its professional printing.

    As one of the major references on the industrial printing and marking market, Chimicolor has built its notoriety on its rigour, competence of its teams and its command of its different areas of expertise. The use of leading technology cannot replace the opinion, the assessment or the expertise of the workforce.

    Production by unit, made-to-measure, small, medium and large quantities...

    With Chimicolor the most efficient and aesthetic solution will always be found for your problem.

    For all your industrial productions, Chimicolor is more than just an asset, it is a reference. Volume, colour, sheen and ink… Chimicolor stamps metals and plastics to enhance your brand, your message, your products… From our research department to our production workshops the teams at Chimicolor know how to use their experience and adaptability to serve your needs. Understanding your wishes, finding the best value for money, respecting deadlines, providing a continuous technical assistance, controlling results, favouring production environmental safety…

    Each project has our complete attention in order to make it a success.

    Industrial plates : General tables, Dials, Membrane keyboards, Lexan/Polyester front surface, Control panels etc.Shaped parts: Manufacturer/company nameplates/ logos, Inscription plates, Labels for location, Rulers, Stickers, Overlays. Food materials: Packaging Advertising and promotion, Instructions for use, Accessories, Tare weight discs.Advertising: Point of sale advertising, Adhesives, Stickers, Trestles, PVC or metal signs, Personalization: of objects, products and displays.
