In 1946 Bill Clack and his father Willis Clack opened a small water softener exchange business in Madison, Wisconsin. Clack Soft Water eventually grew into a small Wisconsin dealer network featuring the Golden Seahorse brand.
By 1960, Clack Soft Water had evolved into a manufacturing and distributing company serving independent OEM assemblers. During the 1960s, Clack designed and manufactured several brass control valves including the 609, which was a five-cycle, fully automatic valve, the only plastic part being the injector.
Clack also improved corrosion resistance of raw steel tanks by using epoxy liners and over-painting enamel for use in manufacturing side mount filter and softener tanks. Clack Corporation’s primary activity was distributing Ionac C249 resin, Erie control valves, Apex fiberglass mineral tanks, as well as manufacturing various components such as 369 Manumatic valves, brine valves, and iron removal medias such as BIRM®.