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    Entrust us with Sample needs. From classic to innovative, we shall work together to find an ingenious sampling solution in harmony with your image. Our references: The biggest names of the Cosmetics and Perfume industry

    The monodose sachet - What better showcase for your products?

    Whether rectangular or more shapely, siply single or combined, presented in succession, in a booklet or as an insert, Cofatech will create you a unique solution to ensure your product stands out from the crowd

    Your samples enter in the 3D...

    Lingopack®, Tubepack®, Mini-up® offer provide new forms which speak volumes about the originality of your product

    Cofatech supplies the accessories you need (cords, cards, boxes...) as well taking care o the manual necessary tasks to deliver you a totally finished product. And when it comes to grouping your products (booklets, brochures or even detachable forms), Cofatech's expertise is at your service

    Our commitment

    Quality control (tests, checks, traceabilites...) is integrated into each step of the project to guarantee you a product which meets your expectations
