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    Corpack presents: The new Twinpack Bottle!

    • Corpack

    Corpack is pleased to present its’ new “Twin-Pack”, a double-container unit for new and interesting product combinations. The “Twinpack” concept makes it possible to unite two different products in one unit, while allowing for independent dispensing. The “Twin-pack” (European and US Patents Pending & Registered Community Design) is a concept designed, developed and technically optimized completely by Corpack.

    Whether shampoo & conditioner, sun & after-sun, or shower-gel & peeling, there are countless product combinations or areas of application that are possible. The shape of the bottle can be adapted to every brand or design, allowing the use of existing cap and/or pump designs if desired. New forms and volumes (also asymmetrical) are planned in the near future.

    The packaging can be creatively customized through graphic or special surface treatments. Different techniques for decorating are possible, like labeling, screen-printing, or sleeving.   

    Some of the obvious “two-in-one” consumer advantages are:  space-saving (in bathroom, luggage, travel bag, etc.), convenience & ease of use, intelligent product combinations. Advantages for the trade are aspects like:  efficiency & reduced shelf-space at point-of-sale, ideal for cross-promotions, and enhancement of customer loyalty thru multiple-product offerings.   

    All materials used for injection- and extrusion-blow can be utilized (i.e. PP, PE, PET, etc.) and the product capacities (ml) can be proportionately adjusted as needed (i.e. 50/50, 40/60, etc.).

    The first completed version is 150ml, 150ml.

    • Duncan Briffett
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 09 Nov 2015
    • Modified 09 Nov 2015
    • Hits 2323