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    Cosmetics & Perfumes Fillings & Packaging

    Cosmetics & Perfumes Fillings & Packaging

    Cosmetics & Perfume Filling & Packaging, Inc. (CPFPI) is a minority owned contract manufacturing & packaging service business established in 1991.

    CPFPI specializes in fragrance filling and turnkey services and has been audited and approved by many of the major companies in the fine fragrance industry. We believe in delivering exceptional quality services at the most economical prices.

    CPFPI operates a chemical blending, production and packaging facility in conveniently located Monroe Township (central NJ).


    CPFPI ownership has more than eight decades of experience serving the fine fragrance industry. Its management team adds an additional seven decades of experience for a total of over 150 years of expertise in the areas of: operations, production, blending, quality control, R&D, marketing, sales and customer service.

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