CosmogenBrand LaunchCOSMOGEN provides eco-designed spatula for Cristal Morphologic skincare by CARITA ParisCARITA Paris has selected the eco-designed spatula of COSMOGEN, made of a single deep-black mass-dye...
CosmogenProduct InfoDesigned and patented by Cosmogen: Paper StickWith Paper Stick, it is the tube that goes down and not the stick-formula that goes up. Featuring a...
CosmogenBrand LaunchCosmogen's Needle Tube seduces PaiWith its ultra-thin cannula, the COSMOGEN NEEDLE tube was particularly indicated for PAI's ultra-tar...
CosmogenProduct InfoATTRACT ONE EXPERT, a complete care solution COSMOGEN has met a new technological challengeTo be seen on June, 7., 5-7 PM With Frédéric PORQUET, Directeur technique COSMOGEN - 160 boulevard ...
CosmogenCatalog & SpecsInnovation CatalogueCosmogen maintains a high technological level of innovation.