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    Curtis Packaging

    Curtis Packaging

    We design and manufacture high quality luxury printed packaging

    Curtis Packaging specialise in providing environmentally focused print solutions for folding carton users.  Curtis manuacture all cartons at their facility in London SW19 and promote the use of vegetable based inks and waterbased coatings, although not exclusively.
    We are FSC and PEFC certified and hold ISO14001 certifications.

    New for 2012 we are the first packaging company in the U.K to become Carbon Balanced in conjunction with the World Land Trust. 

    By measuring the carbon footprint of the material and the carbon emissions created by Curtis during the manufacturing process we can (in conjunction with the WLT) aid the purchase of protected forestry to balance the carbon.

    As a result of this initative we hope to save at least 100 acres of protected tropical forest in the next 12 months, we also have exclusive use of a Carbon Balanced Carton logo which can appear on your printed cartons and we can also provide you with proof of the area of forest purchased to balance the cartons footprint.

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