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We decomposed the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) of every post of our process and for every raw material used (PP, PP, PE). The results show that the posts “inputs” (raw material) and ” the end of life” (after use treatment of the product) represent the big part of our emissions of GGE.
It gave us some priority axes on which our teams work from now on.
Besides the technical, dimensional elements, the quotations, are available on every offer done to our customers: The balance sheet CO2 of each of the references asked.
One or several alternative with a better CO2 impact, in coherence with the customer specifications
Our company has some commitments right now
- To sort out all the waste of the functioning (paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, battery, cartridge of printer, computer hardware…)
- To sort out all the rubbishes and plastic waste stemming from the production of packaging’s (recycled by some externals suppliers which value them in second life granules).
- To manage the energy expenditure by adopting a responsible attitude (reduction of the paper consumption, favor the documentations to be send by email)
- To invest in low consumption equipment
- To rather propose some products with perceptible components which are more respectful of the nature (biodegradable, using recycled raw materials) . We exclude all the raw materials which do not have one or more recycling solutions.
- To develop the vegetal materials, among which 2 of the characteristics are to be a trap with Carbon and to require less energy for the manufacturing of packaging. cf > SO GREEN by CVP
- To prefer local suppliers in order to decrease the transport environmental impact.
- To be an active member of Matikem on the new raw material: CVP acts actively for the creation of an innovative industrial sector including a manufacturer of organic (vegetal) raw material, a transformer-manufacturer of flasks by technological processes and a conditioner of cleaning products. www.matikem.com
- To always give the best proposition to our customers, an alternative, the least polluting possible services and products: we work on the reduction of the weight of packaging’s while staying on the same level of the current French, European or international legislations. But also while keeping the properties bound to the constraints and to the requirements of our customers (top – load, screwing, UN certification, chemical certifications …).