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    So Green by CVP, a new brand 100% Vegetal plastic

    CVP launches a new stage in the production of flasks and jars in PE intended for beauty, chemistry and Food market, which allies innovation technics and solutions for sustainable development. Thanks to the addition of sugar cane, and new ethanol industrial technologies.

    To identify simply all its plant and other plastic packaging’s with a reduced impact of carbon, CVP creates a brand: So Green by CVP

    Under the brand So green by CVP, you find all the packaging’s which integrate plastics stemming from nature or valued.

    The 100 % vegetal PE in extrusion blow molding and injection, combines the compatibilities pack-contents, and the positive impact on the environment.

    Packaging :

    • In Vegetal raw material
    • Annually renewable
    • Sustainable (and not biodegradable)
    • Eco-designed and getting a environmental benefit
    • Recyclable after being used, corresponding with the actuel valuation system
    • Marine Silarbi
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 20 Apr 2016
    • Modified 20 Apr 2016
    • Hits 1314