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Czech Aerosol
With more than 50 Years of traditional aerosol manufacturing and annual production around 50 million units – Czech Aerosol is to be the oldest and the biggest Aerosol manufacturer in the Czech Republic.
Czech Aerosol offers to all its customers around Europe, Russia and Middle East co-operation on the base of FULL SERVICE.
With its own „on the spot“ R&D, Czech Aerosol offers its customers maximum flexibility during development of customized and innovative projects. Czech Aerosol product portfolio consists of more than 400 different formulations.
Top quality of all manufactured products is guaranteed by independent Quality Control Department. Czech Aerosol is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
Technical details
- Propellant – Czech Aerosol fills with Propane-Butane at 2,7 and 4,2 bar and with DME. Filling with other propellants is possible upon request.
- Cans – both ALU and Tin plate cans from leading European suppliers are used for manufacturing at Czech Aerosol. All cans with diameter 35-65 mm conform to FEA standards and are either fully printed or labeled.
- Production lines – At Czech Aerosol, all three aerosol production lines are Swiss Pamasol made with dedicated mixing vessels and pipe-lines. Annual capacity of all three lines is around 50 million units.
- Mixing Area – Czech Aerosol has six new mixing and storage vessels with volume capacity between 1.000 – 2.500 l. All of them are operated with a central computer system. Additionally, three mobile vessels with volume capacity of 700 l and individual circulations are available.