Bank and funds transport envelopes

  • Decomatic

The fund transport envelopes, manufactured and distributed by Décomatic in the banking sector for 15 years with the "PROTECTOR" ® brand, suit to different needs of users :

- Metal cash bags, transparent and resistant with or without handles
- Transparent envelopes for cheques or drafts
- Opaque secured envelopes for bank notes.

The specific uses are covered with numerous options : Multiple counterfoils, particular bar codes, devices of high security, perforation, additional pouches etc...

The fund transport companies or their customers working with alternative systems (AXYTRANS, SQS...), attempting to cancel all the aggression on conveyors, should use secured envelopes compatible with this system.

In this purpose, Décomatic has introduced a "multi-perforation" version (up to 529 perforations with a diameter of 4 mm for a 280x480 size), that could optimise the performances of this system in offering the same characteristics of security against fraud that its classic envelopes, and every needed customisation.

Option: Sticking of 2 or 3 self copying leaflets.

  • Gratiela Adriana Stefan
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 02 Nov 2014
  • Modified 02 Nov 2015
  • Hits 847