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    Derjin's oil pumps, designed to keep the product and the container clean

    • Derjin

    The Derjin Group, comprised of several firms dedicated to producing innovative and useful packaging for cosmetic, personal care, and other items, has released a line of pumps designed to dispense thin oils and other low viscosity liquids.  The spring system sits outside of the dispensing channel to ensure contained oils never come in contact with metal, thereby ensuring no reaction with the actual product.

    By keeping the spring outside of the dispensing channel, products never come in contact with the metal. Reactions that may discolour the contained liquid therefore never occur. The mechanism keeps the dispensing system isolated and clean, slowing down oxidation. Further, the mechanism has been designed to offer perfect dispensing without having products shoot out too quickly (splattering anything nearby) or too slowly (resulting in having to actuate the pump several times to get a decent dose).

    With the optimum aperture size and stroke height to provide a pump that functions as a whole, each part of the pumps has been calibrated to work with every other part in order to offer exact, useful dispensing. The dip tubes are set to be the exact length required for the container in which they'll sit, and the aperture, the force exerted by the pump upon actuation, and the depth of the stroke are all set to offer ideal dispensing.

    Made of durable materials, the pumps are ready to ship in a number of ideal sizes, from short spouts in 24/410 all the way through to long spouts in the same size neck and beyond.

    See also

    Derjin to offer new AIRosol dispensing solutions

    A firm that remains tethered to the past will eventually falter. The key to thriving in the market is to innovate, to adapt, and to evolve. One of the Derjin Group's key strengths is the ability to discover new technology and bring it into the mainstream, as it has done with a number of dispensing systems, airless solutions, and closure technologies. The group's latest discovery is that of the new "AIRosol Valve" system, an eco-sensitive dispensing solution that provides a better consumer experience while safeguarding the atmosphere.

    • Elias Bittan
    • Product Info
    • English
    • Created 22 Apr 2014
    • Modified 08 Sep 2015
    • Hits 1038