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Design Futures have made all the packaging for the revolutionary new product 'Dippy Egg', which claims to be a modern solution for the age-old problem of making the perfect soft boiled egg. Makers Pork Farms coined the idea for a product consisting of a part-boiled egg which is transformed into a perfectly cooked egg when boiling water is poured on it. Design Futures turned the concept into reality, with designers creating both the external packaging and the internal fitment which protects the egg in transit and also doubles as an egg cup to eat from. The original concept pack consisted of an old soup pot and 2 milk bottle tops, but within an hour Design Futures had generated several new ideas on how the concept could be brought to life, then producing prototype packs that Pork Farms were able to use to demonstrate the product to potential customers. This ambitious and modern packaging concept is innovative, added value to the product and enabled Dippy Egg to attract a lot of attention in a very short timeframe.