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    Headquarters Location

    France Bretagne, France

    Primary Business

    Tertiary Packaging - Manufacturing, Vendor

    Total Employees

    10-50 employees
    • Europe

    • France, Switzerland

    • France

    • Eating, Drinking

    • Food

    • Eggs

    • Beverages - Non-Alcoholic

    • Water

    • Carbonated Drinks

    • Hospitality, Catering

    • Fast Food

    • Health

    • Medical, Diagnostics

    • Home Care

    • Automotive

    • Consumer Durables

    • Office Supplies

    • Textiles, Clothing

    • Primary Packaging

    • Food, Drink Service Components

    • Food Boxes

    • Secondary Packaging

    • Cushioning

    • Molded Protection

    • Machinery

    • Tree Derivatives

    • Paper

    • Board

    • Board - Pulp

    • Pulp

    • Foam

    • Foam - Cellulose

    • Textiles