Incredible textures on cosmetic packaging, from EFA

  • EFA Packaging

The new CELEBRITY CRYSTAL line by EFA has become a bit hit with cosmetic companies.  The exterior of the packaging features a new spray decoration technique that creates a “super-frosted” look on top of a base colour, providing both visual and tactile appeal.  Visually, the super-frosting creates a mottled effect on the packaging that speaks of difference and distinction, while the packaging remains firm and frictional to the touch, providing pleasure to the touch as well as a better grip.
As the line’s name would imply, each component also features a crystal on the top end of the tubes that simulates a diamond, creating a premium look on shelves and in purses.
The line provides major components so that cosmetic companies can produce a full range of products from one source, in the same style.  Currently, the company provides a line using the four major cosmetic components: a mascara tube, a lip-gloss/eyeliner tube, a lipstick tube and a compact.  All of the components are elegant in shape and design and feature the new super-frosting decoration option.
Other decoration possibilities and custom requests are also possible.

  • Gratiela Adriana Stefan
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 22 Jun 2010
  • Modified 15 Sep 2015
  • Hits 1506