What is blister packaging?

A blister pack is a type of preformed transparent plastic packaging that is mostly used in the marketing of consumer products of small dimensions. Their use has spread since blisters are relatively inexpensive and allow you to see the product they store, also providing an extra security.

Why use a blister pack?

  • It provides good protection for the product.
  • Inviolable
  • It adds value to the product thanks to its presentation.
  • It allows, depending on the design, to be easily hung, placed on a shelf or both.

Types of blister packs

  • Face seal blister pack. Reduce the consumption of plastic. Suitable for small and light products.
  • Fully sealed blister, which improves the protection of the product and improves the image of the blister.
  • Trapped blister, which adds value to the product by improving its presentation, facilitates selective recycling and adds additional protection to the ampoule.
  • Full plastic blister, which offers good protection and improves the image, adding value to the product.
  • Blister to blister, which offers the best protection for the product and is compatible with products of higher weight.
  • Lid, non-sealed thermoformed package, the lids of which close against each other and can be used as a case.

Blister Packaging machines for the Pharmaceutical Sector

The packaging machines provide solutions to any part of the packaging chain in any sector. In this case, we are going to focus on laboratories where precision has a lot to say to have a competitive product, easy to produce and easy to handle, at the lowest possible cost. One of the machines that are involved in a decisive way in the blister packaging process are the case makers. The work of this machine has several variable points that decisively influence its manufacture, such as the type of case where the blisters should be added. One fitted with eyelashes is not the same as the one that needs to be glued, and in case of wearing eyelashes, they can be even or odd. The measurements of the cases are sometimes the biggest difficulty for technicians, since they are very small there is little room to find a solution.

On the other hand, the prospect must also have his entry mode established. If it has to be folded or comes pre-folded, it is something that the machine has to be prepared for. Either one or the other, the machine will push you once folded at the same time as it inserts the blister pack into the case, all so that the packaging speed is as high as possible.

This blister packing machine has been designed and manufactured, thinking about the safety and reliability of the machine to give a greater guarantee and added value. Pharmaceutical laboratories work with various formats and drug cases so there is the possibility of packaging a blister pack in the box of another drug, therefore this case incorporates a sensor / reader that identifies each blister pack with its corresponding case and if they are not correct, the case is automatically ejected.

Once again, we are innovating in a profound way to continue advancing by making packaging easier.Find more information by check: https://www.eliter-packaging.com/newsroom/blisters-and-blister-cartoning-machines-what-are-the-different-choices.html

  • Zhiwei Bao
  • Content Page
  • English
  • Created 02 Feb 2023
  • Modified 02 Feb 2023
  • Hits 133