Efficiency with Packaging and Process Automation

Production is the heart of every industry and the automation for packaging and process is its lung. As consumers, we can notice and understand how much products are gradually taking on new shapes, changing sizes, weight and even changing the way they are displayed on the packaging. Is this a simple shift to marketing and Branding Focus, or does a lot of it have to do with changing to improve production efficiency?

These changes mostly aim to improve the production packaging and process and make it more efficient. Products from reputable brands have been changing their characteristics in a tenuous but real way, whether in taste, color, weight, shape, in short, something that is noticed or even that is not noticed, due to the extreme need of the industry to be more efficient.

And this is sensational and above all, very important. Can you imagine, if we still depended on the various human hands to prepare all tons of food that the planet consumes? All this evolution is necessary to account for our growth. From there, all the industrial revolutions came, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, starting towards the 5th, and so on, without stopping.

To see how serious this attitude is, to improve our packaging and process, that even with the pandemic the industries have not stopped, quite the contrary, they have increased their productions to account for all the new demand that this scenario has brought us, let us take care with affection and with a lot of discipline of our industrial plants, especially here in Brazil. Let's break the negative paradigms for investments in packaging and processing automation and accept that efficiency is achieved with the automation of them in a mechanical, precise and intelligent way.

And today we have several possibilities for packaging and process Automation, either in the entire line, or in the partial line, whatever automation is done will already give a significant increase in operating results. You know that brilliant phrase of Albert Einstein “Insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results”, and that is exactly what many still seek. If we want to have better results, focus on planning, ROI evaluation, Accurate Investments and a lot of work, yes, a lot of work, because having a machine in operation does not mean that we will have less work, quite the contrary, we will have to learn to operate that equipment, study it and train ourselves, so that the machine reaches its best result as well. We will form a team, man and machine, together improving packaging and processing.

You know that fear of losing your job to the machine? It is nonsense, because the machine does not have intrinsic actions that only we human beings have, and that is what makes us better and capable of operating them, dictating rules and conditions so that this partnership work brings good fruits.

Understand that, to be human is to have intelligence, awareness and the ability to analyze our own acts, perform tasks, plan our activities and put them into practice. Machines are like an extension of our competence that is surreal, that creates, innovates, celebrates, challenges itself, in short, we have much to add to a better world, more dynamic, flexible and above all efficient.



  • Zhiwei Bao
  • Content Page
  • English
  • Created 02 Feb 2023
  • Modified 04 Feb 2023
  • Hits 117