The 6 Advantages of Using Automatic Packaging Machines

The automation of packaging

The set of machines and technologies that allow products to be packaged en masse and with hardly any human intervention has meant a revolution in packaging processes. The automation of industrial packaging has been a clear competitive advantage for many companies.

Automating the packaging chain requires the installation of a series of machines:

  • Packaging machines: They build the cardboard box directly around the product to be packaged.
  • Palletizers: They mount the cardboard boxes directly on the pallets.
  • Wrapping machines: They cover the boxes with a layer of film to protect them and secure the load. For example, a packaging machine Marden Edwards.
  • Girders: They secure packs of small products by means of a girdle. For example, they are used to join various food or paper products.
  • Shrink-wrapping machines: These devices wrap the product packs in an easy and clean way. For example, they attach the transparent plastic to the bottle sets.
  • Sealing Machines: These machines automatically place the seal to the cardboard boxes to secure the cargo.
  • Strapping machines: They help to precise and stabilize the load on the pallets, strengthening the different packages that make up the whole by placing strapping.

The operation of automatic packaging is very simple to explain and understand. The operator should only be responsible for placing the product or box on the machine. The products will automatically pass through a conveyor belt so that the device takes care of packaging, shrink-wrapping, sealing, etc. The advantages of the system are obvious and numerous.

How is automatic packaging different from manual packaging?

The main difference is that the manual packaging process requires people to handle the objects. The factory workers will have to take care of putting the products in their boxes one by one. They will also have to lift the boxes onto the pallets and secure the load with the seals and straps. The manual method is slower and more expensive.

We could say that the only disadvantage of automatic packaging is that it requires the investment in the machines, but with Deal II you will be able to rent the machinery you need even during specific work peaks, such as the Black Friday and Christmas campaign. In addition, if you decide to purchase the machinery on a purchase basis, you will see that automated machinery is more efficient, productive and faster than manual machinery.

As you will see below, the machines work very precisely and minimize failures during packaging.


What are the advantages of automatic packaging?

Not only should we take into account the importance of choosing a good product packaging, but the procedure itself. Automatic industrial packaging is more efficient and advantageous, especially for companies with high production volumes. Why?

Efficient packaging processes

Modernizing packaging processes allows employees to perform their tasks better. In addition, the automated machinery allows to assume a punctual increase in production with guarantees, allowing the company to carry out the peaks of demand successfully.

Automated machinery is fast

Maybe that's the most interesting thing. There are machines capable of packaging thousands of products per hour. It is impossible for one person to achieve the same work results. Production goes up, and of course, time can be spent on other more important tasks than packing.

Uniform packaging

It is worth mentioning that automated machinery eliminates the problem of human error. All products will be packaged and wrapped equally. In order to present the products in the right way, automatic packaging is unrivaled.

Safer procedures

Precision also reduces risks and improves safety. Human error can lead to defective packaging, while the automatic machine will offer perfect packaging. On the other hand, personnel can execute such procedures safely, drastically reducing the chances of an accident.

Satisfied packaging operators

It improves the mood of employees, who get rid of repetitive or monotonous tasks such as hand-packing or sealing. These operations involve performing repetitive and, in some cases, dangerous movements, such as moving a very heavy load. The automatic packaging method relieves the workload of the operators.

Cost reduction

To the advantage of reducing the work of the operators, a lower consumption of materials is added. A machine is so efficient that it will avoid waste of consumables and breakage of the material during the packaging processes. Automation is just one of the things you need to take into account to reduce packaging costs.

What materials are used in automatic packaging?

The consumables for automatic packaging devices are diverse and depend on each machine. In packaging machines, cardboard is used to form the boxes. Today there are already biodegradable cardboard boxes. ÉLITER Packaging Machinery has also suggested that cardboard packaging is sustainable.

On the other hand, we have the straps, which can be made of polypropylene, polyester or steel. Other consumables are stretch film films and shrink plastic. The latter can be polypropylene, PVC, polyolefin or polyethylene. These are very resistant products that withstand moisture, the sun, dust and corrosive substances.

Finally, other protective materials and adhesive tapes such as the seal are also used in the machines. Some examples of protective materials are filler paper, air bubbles, cardboard boxes or corner boxes.

The girdles are 100% sustainable and customizable packaging materials, where the brand can print the nutritional information, its logo and any information it deems necessary.

  • Zhiwei Bao
  • Content Page
  • English
  • Created 17 Mar 2023
  • Modified 17 Mar 2023
  • Hits 283