Ets Bugnon Catalog

  • Limitation of the raw materials used in our products
  • Recovery and reuse of all production waste
  • Re-use of our packaging cartons in other chains
  • Limitation of our solvent emissions
  • Special reprocessing of all our used packaging

We are developing the production of Bio flexible tubes

Since the beginning of 2008, in collaboration with a machine-manufacturing partner, we have been performing tests on the production of tubes in Bioplastic materials.
The results are better than satisfactory, and our tubes have been exhibited at the Interpack08 salon in Dusseldorf.


Screw caps

DJL (classic standard)
bouchon-14_djl Ø : 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50
color : white
aspect : glossy
other color or aspect : ask us

SFD (softline deluxe)
bouchon-4_sfdØ : 30, 35 and 40
color : white
aspect : glossy
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

HRD (hardline deluxe)
bouchon-10_hrdØ : 30 and 35
color : white
aspect : glossy
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

bouchon-11_djsØ : 50
color : white
aspect : striated
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

DJS CA - for cannula tubes
bouchons_CAØ : 50
color : white
aspect : striated
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

Flip top caps

bouchon_zpØ : 30
orifice : 3
color : white
aspect : glossy
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

bouchon-19_maØ : 35, 40 and 50
orifice : 5
color : white
aspect : glossy or matt
other Ø, color or aspect : ask us

Flip top caps clipped

bouchon-21_stØ : 35 and 40
color : white

Other cap
bouchon-20_appli_mousseØ : 35
question : ask us


  • Classical offset-printed decoration up to 6 colors.
  • Complex offset-printed decoration up to 6 colors.
  • Screen printing up to 6 colors.
  • Hot stamping on tubes and caps : silver and gold.

What is an extruded tube ?

Monolayer tube in Polyethylene which can be made in different densities :
- Low Density = soft with moderate resistance to chemical agression
- Mix Low and High Density = stronger with good resistance to chemical agression
- High Density = rigid with and strong resistance to chemical agression
- Printing on cylindrical tube

  • Marine Silarbi
  • Catalog & Specs
  • English
  • Created 04 Feb 2016
  • Modified 24 Feb 2016
  • Hits 1615