How can you make your products stand out on the shelf?


When you visit any shop, there are shelves full of products, waiting to be chosen by the consumer. The offer is very wide and all stimulus received at shop, are designed so that the consumer fixes their eyes directly on the product.

With so much attraction and covert messages, the final customer may build up a “sensory wall” of isolation. Crossing this wall and attracting their attention is the key achieving the objective that your product is chosen. In this scenario, the importance of the packaging and message it transmits is essential.

How to make your products catch the attention and interest of buyers

1. Colors: impact or subtlety

Colors choice is very important for attracting the attention of a potential customer. Taking a look at shop shelves, normally there are several color tones to capture the consumers' attention, but this detail is not always positive.

Some designers use colors that are excessively bright and striking for their packaging, thinking that in this way it will be more attractive. But they should keep in mind the kind of product is going to be sold. If the objective is to convey elegance or subtlety, for example for perfume, then soft and pearly colors will work better than brighter colors.

Looking at soft color, with pearl finish, it’s possible that buyers stop in front of the product, because it conveys them what they’re looking for. The goal wasn’t to stand out by the color, sometimes, certain brands choose to stand out through the message they convey us.

2. Materials: metal

The material with which the packaging of a product is made, is another important factor to complete a product. The materials can offer all kinds of sensations to the client.

Metal packaging is often used for premium products. This kind of packaging means that the product is worth it, a high-quality product, often with a higher price tag attached.

The difference can be made in premium products, as perfumes, and also with mid-range products, as sweets box.

Metal packaging let us get a better presentation for the product and a tin box which could be reusable after its original use.

Products with metal packaging, are chosen especially when the customer looks for a gift. Offering a more elegant presentation, the result will be more positive, although the content is identical to which another type of packaging contained.

3. Finishes: holographic effect

Playing with 3-D imagery, is another detail to attract the client's attention, as it is difficult to avert our eyes from the holographic effect of our lenticular tin box.

The high quality of these packaging products, is due to the lenticular technique developed exclusively by our professionals, that make striking, innovative and totally unique packaging possible that satisfies even the most demanding customer.

This packaging achieves an impression of depth and movement which is accentuated by the light. Through this quality, the human eye is able to perceive protruding and moving images. This sensation will be increased with the movement of the product. Therefore, it seems that this kind of packaging has a certain hypnotic power, designed in exclusive to attract the attention of potential buyers, in any space.

All these features, makes holographic effect packaging, be located in our finishes portfolio of high-end range products, as for example: premium spirits. This market requires a presentation according to its quality, becoming the packaging in the perfect complement to complete a product which belong to a fairly demanding consumer sector.

See also

  • Jo Webb
  • Product Info
  • English
  • Created 20 Feb 2020
  • Modified 09 Mar 2020
  • Hits 1307