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    Webpackaging logo
    • Eurolabel
    • Valentina Rizzi
    Primary Packaging, Primary Boxes, Cases, Secondary Packaging, Secondary Boxes, Cases, Labels, Binding, Glue, Adhesives

    Our adhesive solutions for security

     The value of a brand, the originality of a product, its route, its integrity are properties to be protected today both in the interest of the company that produces it and of the consumer.

    It is therefore necessary to provide the products with new solutions that guarantee their authenticity. The solutions can be latent, that is, visible only to insiders, or overt and communicated, thus easily recognizable by consumers.

    Our anti-counterfeiting and anti-infringement solutions are particularly innovative and unique, some even covered by patents, but most importantly, they are in continuous development, since innovation is an important tool that helps us increase the product’s defenses.

    Labels and packaging tapes, once removed, can leave an irremovable trace on the box or container on which they are applied, discouraging tampering and theft of content.

    • Topic Entry
    • English
    • Modified 11 Jan 2016
    • Hits 1034