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    From design to final production for handbag and packaging for the cosmetic industry


    Customized Products

    Our products are custom-made, in terms of size and material used.

    Search for new Material

    We own in our office more than thousands of different fabric samples, made in France and in Asia.

    Technical Drawings

    They will offer you creative drawings and artworks of pouches, bags and boxes, according to your budget as well.

    Prototype and Devlopment

    Our design team is available to well understand your needs and apprehend your tastes. The sampling process is about 10 to 15 days.

    Our Services

    • creation and production of bags, luggage, bags & boxes
    • study of trends
    • preset materials and accessories





    The factories we are working with are located in China. They all have been under a very strict selection process , with very rigorous criteria : expertise, ethics, strictness and reactivity. They are all specialized in one type of item, this allows us to supply you with very high quality products.

    Before starting any production, an artwork is made and approved by our customer. This artwork is then forwarded to our Guangzhou Office and also Asia Inspection, which will be in charge of controlling all steps of the project.

    • Henan & Jangsu | Cotton bags
    • Zhejiang | Bags and pouches
    • Guangdong | cardboard boxes
    • Guangdong | Tissue boxes
    • Guangdong | Transparent pouches

