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Kahlo is a stand out luxury line from Eurovetrocap. It has been designed to suit cosmetic care ranges or perfumes gracing elegant, clear lines across the four sizes of its glass bottle.
Available in 15ml, 30ml, 50ml and 100ml volumes, the glass bottles have a sturdy noble look with a modern touch of chic provided by their rectangular shape with rounded edges. Standing slim and tall, the bottles are in instant eyecatcher, standing apart from other offerings on the shelf.
All the Kahlo glass bottles have both 18/415 and FEA 15 neck. The 18/415 bottles are appropriate for cosmetic care products and can be perfectly accessorized with the Kahlo dispenser pump and Kahlo PETG overcap which feature the same form as the bottle. The bottles can also be matched and fitted with other 18/415 caps, pumps and droppers to suit specific product treatments.
Perfume can also benefit an accessorized look with Kahlo. The FEA 15 bottles for perfume work perfectly with FEA 15 accessories, and for a coordinating finish, the new Kahlo surlyn overcap provides a closure in perfect proportion as bottle and closure have the same shape.
The soft feel of the glass in the hand is enhanced by the rounded edges of the square lines which make for a comfortable and firm grip.
The Kahlo bottle line can be heightened to stand out even further with silkscreen printing or customized with a personalized colour.