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    Expo Industries UK

    Expo Industries UK

    We offer a complete in-house solution for all your packaging and labelling needs

    From concept to production and distribution, we specialise in the manufacture and merchandise of brand packaging and labelling for the apparel and retail industries.

    Offering state-of-the-art constructional and artwork design capabilities our team design fresh solutions. Continuous investment in technology, coupled with the exceptional technical skills of our staff ensures that we’re ahead of the competition in both quality and service.


    The dedication and flexibility of our account management team will ensure you receive the technical support you need to dominate today’s dynamic markets. Distance is no longer a concern – a network of strong IT links brings our global services to your doorstep.

    You need only walk through the doors of our new purpose built premises in Derby to tap into Expo’s extraordinary range of services. With our portfolio of innovative products, we make the latest technologies work harder for you every day.

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