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    Favini wins the Luxe Pack in Green award with the ecological packaging in Shiro Alga Carta of Bio+ Vagheggi

    • Favini
    Europe, Asia, Beauty, Personal Care, Primary Packaging, Active, Smart Packaging, Plastic, Tree Derivatives, Shows, Associations, Media

    Favini is pleased to announce that it is the winner of the prestigious award, LUXE PACK in Green, at LUXE PACK Shanghai 2019, the event dedicated to the latest global trends in the packaging sector.

    LUXE PACK in Green is the award given every year to the company that has shown particular attention in the development of innovative packaging which at the same time is respectful of the environment. A highly qualified jury selects the finalists and the winner based on the materials used, the processes developed, the efficiency of the technology and the sustainability criteria adopted.

    This year Favini won with packaging using Shiro Alga Carta for the cosmetics range Bio+ for Vagheggi. This is an Italian cosmetics company available nationwide through some 2000 beauty centres and which also exports to 60 countries worldwide.

    The Bio+ line, 100% made in Italy, is not only formulated with carefully selected and certified raw materials, but it is also the result of attention to environmental, human and animal respect. Furthermore, it fully embraces the concepts of “sustainable development”.

    The pack, designed by the communication agency Weagroup, was created to respond to the needs of the consumer whose increasing awareness to eco-sustainable design is in keeping with the bio vision of Vagheggi.

    For the packaging of the BIO+ range, Vagheggi company wanted an ecological, sustainable and biodegradable paper that was also innovative. They found the answer to their requirements in Shiro Alga Carta, the famous ecological paper by Favini.

    Shiro Alga Carta, began in the 90’s and it uses raw materials from certified suppliers. A unique ecological approach starting from the use, in partial substitution of cellulose fibres, with the damaging algal blooms from the Venetian lagoon. Today this concept has been extended to other fragile marine areas. FSC certified, it is part of Favini’s range of ecological papers Shiro.

    Not only the raw material, the seaweed, but the entire production process of Shiro Alga Carta is ethical: in fact, Favini has chosen to fully offset the emissions generated by the eco-friendly paper Shiro to increase the value of this product and its level of Corporate Climate Responsibility. Thanks to a Carbon Offset scheme, any emissions generated to produce the paper are entirely offset by Carbon Credits, acquired by Favini to finance activities that can absorb CO2 in the atmosphere.

    In addition, the packaging of the Bio+ line does not include any varnishing or glue, nor does it have a leaflet inside as the pack itself is the surface that acts as a leaflet which is easy to read for consumers. Phial and dropper are made of “ultra-light” glass, with low environmental impact and easily recyclable. The bioplastic tubes, PE made using fermenting cane sugar, cultivated in Brazil, without GMOs, allows for a significant reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and they are certified with logo “I’m green”.

    “We are proud that the packaging created with our Shiro Alga Carta has been recognized as the best project by the jury of Luxe Pack in Green” said Eugenio Eger, CEO of Favini. “Shiro Alga Carta is a clear example of how it is possible to reuse in a useful and creative way a material whose abnormal proliferation is damaging the environment and difficult to dispose: algae. Shiro is the ideal solution for the communication needs of companies with a strong ecological orientation and combines the best of our innovative abilities, this is also expressed in the Crush and Remake range of papers, originating respectively from the creative re-use of by-products of agro-industrial processing and leather manufacturing.”

    See also

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 12 Apr 2019
    • Hits 2083