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A trusted specialist for high-quality plastic caps and closures made in Germany since 1977
Caps. Closures. Competence.
FM-Plast has been a trusted specialist for high-quality plastic caps and closures since 1977.
- Largest assortment of caps & closures
- Best price/Performance ratio in the industry
- All colours available
An innovator in comprehensive efficiency, FM-Plast continually optimizes its products, production, and business practices to deliver premium quality and custom closures with the best price performance in the industry.
Our Efficient Closure System™ accounts for efficiency across the board – from smart design, streamlined project management, and lean, short-cycle production to increased energy efficiency and sustainable, on-time delivery methods.
It’s how we’ve become an established partner for brand name businesses and the European leader in the private label market.
The Efficient Closure System™ – For Efficiency Around the Clock to balance performance and price, we developed the FM-Plast Efficient Closure System™ to deliver the highest standards of efficiency throughout the value chain. Here’s how:
Project Efficiency
Fastest time to market, contract-compliant implementation, and absolute deadline adherence are facilitated through streamlined project management, quick decision-making through owner operation, and tool building within 14 weeks.
Production Efficiency
- Shortest order cycle and turnaround times (industry benchmark)
- Shortest cycle times (6 seconds for 4 screw threads)
- Tool setting within 24 hours
- Use of high-performance polymers (Sabic FLOWPAC)
- Last-minute sampling of over 500 colors
- Preventative maintenance strategy for better tool & machinery efficiency, improved resource availability, lower repair and maintenance costs, increased predictability, and extended equipment life
- Fully automatic machine peripheral: central material handling, automated supply of packaging material supply
Logistics Efficiency
We guarantee the shortest lead times and sustainable, on-time delivery methods. We are the first company in Europe to alternatively use Transpac reusable containers and conventional wood pallets for closures, and with three distribution channels, we achieve the fastest delivery times for cartons, single pallets, as well as partial and full truck loads.
Cost Efficiency
We provide the best price-performance ratio for regular and ad hoc production due to intelligent raw material purchasing, lean administration, and lean production.
Energy Efficiency
Energy-saving, energy-friendly production is made easier with the most modern plastic injection molding facility in Europe, 70% of our machinery is younger than five years old.