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    Gaasch Packaging

    Gaasch Packaging

    Gaasch Packaging is one of the leading global distributors in the primary packaging industry.

    From its 3 establishments, the company is currently serving its local markets as well as international customers on the five continents, including Canada, the Unites States of America, Mexico, France, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Northern Africa, the Middle East, South Africa, Australia, New-Zealand, China, etc.

    We are a company with history going back to 1906, when Jean-Baptiste Gaasch, the ancestor of the current directors, started up a business in the trade of glass containers.

    Over the years, the company has grown to become a major and renowned actor in the worldwide packaging industry. Our broad range of products includes bottles, jars, vials and other containers together with their accessories, in glass as well as PE, PP, PVC and PET to answer the needs of two major market segments:

    • pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and industry (chemicals/household)
    • food and drinks.

    We believe that in an increasingly competitive market, differentiation is a key factor to success, whereby exclusive and attractive packaging contributes significantly. Therefore our product range offers an extensive number of standard and off-the-shelf items, as well as proprietary articles commissioned with our core suppliers to obtain exclusive and highly-technical products tailor-made to our customer's specifications.

    Our packaging specialists are continuously working on improving every step of the process - from design to delivery.

    Whatever your primary packaging needs are, we are the right person to speak to.
