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    GB Foods

    GB Foods

    THE GB FOODS, S.A. manufactures meal solutions such as, soups, ready dishes, and fish. The company was incorporated in 1978 and is based in Barcelona, Spain.

    'Enjoying together around good food' defines the essence of GBfoods, the group that brings together the multi-local reality and the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit that has accompanied the various companies and local brands that shape it since its creation 80 years ago.

    Today, with a turnover of 627 million euros and a team of 1.800 employees, the Group is present with its daily meal products in Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, CIS Republics, in 28 countries in Africa and the Middle East through prestigious brands as Gallina Blanca, Star, Jumbo or Grand'Italia.

    Its innovative character, its local recipes, their commitment to optimal nutrition through daily meals that its products take part, and its commitment to society, are the keys to its success.

    The goal and purpose of GBfoods focuses on helping people to be happy by sharing memorable moments together. Moments around something that unites us: good food.

    Good food is part of our lives. It has always been with us and we have always enjoyed it.

    It has to be shared because we believe a good meal is much better in company.

    This means it’s our job to develop:

    • Tasty and authentic food
    • With a local touch
    • That can be enjoyed wherever you are
    • That becomes part of people’s everyday lives and special events