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EcoVadis: Silver status for Gerresheimer in sustainability audit

  • Gerresheimer
Health, CSR Awards/Certifications, Ecovadis

With 58 out of a maximum possible 100 points, Gerresheimer currently belongs to the top 6 percent of companies evaluated by EcoVadis in the comparative sector of pharmaceutical suppliers and medical technology. Numerous international pharma and cosmetics customers regularly review Gerresheimer with regard to sustainable corporate management. Many carry out this through recognized external CSR auditing agencies such as EcoVadis.

EcoVadis scorecards make it easier for customers as well as investors and other stakeholders to assess the performance of their suppliers and third-party suppliers and to track their continuous environmental, social and ethical improvements.

Silver status improved with 58 points

In 2018 Gerresheimer succeeded in making the leap from bronze to silver rating with 46 points in the annual EcoVadis evaluation. In 2019 the company improved within this rating to 58 points and is therefore one of the top 6% of companies assessed.

The EcoVadis methodology

EcoVadis is a sustainability assessment platform. The methodology is based on international CSR standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000 and takes into account 198 purchasing categories and 155 countries.

The EcoVadis scoring model is based on 21 criteria from the four subject areas of environment, social affairs, ethics and sustainable procurement. Suppliers demonstrate the extent to which they meet these criteria in whole or in part and are evaluated on this basis.

Once a year EcoVadis then produces a company-specific sustainability ranking, which is accompanied by a scorecard. As of this year, the scorecard has four instead of three evaluation categories, ranging from bronze to silver and gold to platinum.

Sustainability is a strategic Gerresheimer goal

At Gerresheimer sustainability is one of the five strategic pillars. As a global production company the company bears a major responsibility for its products, for customers as well as patients, employees, partners, suppliers, neighborhoods and the environment. Competence in sustainability with a focus on ecology, economy and social responsibility is Gerresheimer's goal.

See also

Gerresheimer is investing in a new plant in Skopje, North Macedonia, for medical plastic systems and syringes

Gerresheimer is investing a mid-double-digit million Euro figure in the new plant in the North Macedonian capital of Skopje, an amount that is already included in the company’s medium-term investment plans. Construction is beginning in the first half of 2019, with completion scheduled for the first half of 2020. It is expected that start of production will take place in the second half of 2020.

  • Company News
  • English
  • Modified 30 Jul 2020
  • Hits 601