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    GMG Color

    GMG Color

    GMG GmbH Co. KG is a leading developer and supplier of high-end color management software solutions, founded in 1984 and located in Tuebingen, Germany.

    A solution designed to tackle the specific opportunities and challenges of the packaging sector

    Increasingly shorter product cycles, ever more complex color and substrate combinations, growing cost pressure .... to compete successfully, proofing solutions have to be reliable and powerful.

    GMG is a leader in the packaging industry and has been for many years, developing GMG FlexoProof to prove that quality and standardization are no longer the reserve of offset printing.

    As the world's only solution to accurate simulation of the overprinting effects of spot colors, GMG OpenColor employs patented technology using special multicolor profiles

    The spectral data calculation of GMG OpenColor includes printing technologies, substrates, and printing order. The results are so reliable that correction loops on the machine can be avoided.

    With GMG ColorProof, profiles can be calculated ‘on-the-fly’: input files are simply placed in the corresponding hot folder of the proofing solution and subsequently processed automatically.


    Uncompromising quality from the very beginning: digital prototype production powered by GMG

    In terms of standardization and reproducibility, a solution from GMG comes with features that make it possible to produce outstanding prototypes – particularly by linking the diverse systems of Epson, Mimaki and Roland. So it’s possible from the outset to work with uniform and accurate color results on virtually any substrate.

    Compared to conventional systems for the packaging and label market, GMG packaging prototypes excel not only with reliable color accuracy – but also with pleasingly low production costs.

    With more than 30 years of experience in the graphic arts industry, the GMG brand is synonymous with a guarantee for high-quality solutions for everything to do with color. GMG's goal is to provide complete solutions for standardizing color communication.

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