Since January 2016, over 200 North American Greif employees have received in-depth training in customer service, leadership and general management skills. This represents over 3,600 hours of actual training time committed to employee improvement and ultimately corporate performance enhancement.
“We have made employee training a strategic priority, focusing on building a team and an organization with a warrior mindset. We are creating a team of employees who are proactive and willing to work together towards creating an effortless customer experience. Personnel development is essential for employee morale and ultimately the company’s bottom line. Well trained, confident and engaged employees will be more efficient and proficient in doing their jobs.” explains Ole Rosgaard, Division President, Americas.
As of September, Greif has conducted 13 face-to-face training sessions across the country including two sessions in Spanish and additional on-line classes for remote attendance. Its employees have attended training specific to their job function. Greif is proud of these efforts thus far and believes that through these improvements, it can strive to an even higher level of excellent customer service.