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Iggesund manufactures its folding box board Incada at its mill in Workington, Cumbria. Until now, service for the company’s solid bleached board, Invercote, which is made in Iggesund, Sweden, has been managed from Sweden but to increase availability the company has decided to both sheet and stock Invercote in the UK.
“We’re advancing our position in the UK,” comments Brendan O’Sullivan, who is in charge of Iggesund’s UK sales. “This means that both our merchants and our direct customers can count on better availability for Invercote than before.”
Iggesund is conducting an intensive campaign to upgrade both its delivery service and other forms of service in several geographical regions of the world. Recently the company announced it is initiating distribution on the American west coast, and it is also launching new distributor partnerships in several European countries.
“As competition gets tougher, the service that supports our products becomes more and more important,” explains Christina Törnquist, Logistics Director, Iggesund Paperboard. “We’ve worked for a number of years now to improve our delivery service with more than just shorter lead times. These improvements also help to keep both costs and fossil carbon emissions down.”
Iggesund’s service offering is not limited to delivery service and availability. Recently the company also launched the concept Care by Iggesund, which is a wide-ranging and improved service offering on many fronts. The goal is to have not only constant lead times but also everything from fast sample service and expert advice to local technical support and transparent raw materials supply.
“People who choose Invercote should not just be able to sleep well at night but also know that the end result will be stunning,” O’Sullivan concludes.