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    One of the world’s sustainability leaders​

    • Holmen Iggesund
    North America, Canada, Europe, France, Switzerland, Switzerland, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Shows, Associations, Media, Packaging Awards

    The Global 100 list of the world's most sustainable corporations is announced each year at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The index has been published by the Canadian analysis firm Corporate Knights since 2005 and is based on an overall assessment of how a company handles issues concerning resource management, employees and financial management. Almost 5 000 companies have taken part in the assessment, with the hundred best featuring on the Global 100 index.

    "We are both proud and pleased to be on the Global 100 list as one of the most sustainable companies in the world. Holmen has taken a focused approach to sustainability issues for many years now. Being recognised and ranked highly by leading analysts is an acknowledgement of this work," says Lars Strömberg, Director of Sustainable and Environmental Affairs at Holmen.  

    "This ranking is the result of dedicated work and the strategic choices and investments we've made for the future, which have reinforced our sustainability profile. There is no doubt that the forest has good prospects as a raw material, especially amid a transition to a bio-economy in which products made from fossil raw materials are being replaced with renewable alternatives," comments Henrik Sjölund, President and CEO of both Holmen and IggesundPaperboard.

    Reaching the position on Global 100 is especially important for Iggesund Paperboard. The company’s products, Invercote and Incada, are targeting the high end packaging segment where a good track record in sustainability is a valuable asset.

    “We have been ranked high on indices like the UN Global Compact Index, Carbon Disclosure Project, and now the Global 100. To repeatedly be acknowledged by these well renowned indices  clearly shows that we are among the most sustainable companies in the world and is a recognition of the holistic and long term approach that characterizes our sustainability work”, says Johan Granås, Sustainability Communications Manager at Iggesund Paperboard.

    See also

    Holmen Iggesund & Yangi embark on collaboration to explore innovative sustainable packaging concepts for the cosmetic industry

    Holmen Iggesund, a premium paperboard company for purposeful solutions, and Yangi®, the pioneers of dry forming technology, have entered into a long-term agreement to explore opportunities with a new type of sustainable packaging material. Under the agreement, the two companies will engage in close collaboration alongside brands, to further explore the opportunities of biobased and renewable packaging for the cosmetic and beauty industry.

    Silvery or golden surface for the HP 12000 series

    When Iggesund Paperboard asked Print House in Oslo to do the certification testing of its new silvery metallised PET film-laminated paperboard, Metalprint Digital, the Swedish company also gained an exciting benchmark example of Metalprint Digital’s performance ability. The printers had simultaneously been asked to develop an exclusive packaging for the launch of Colgate’s gold toothbrush, the Gold 360⁰. From the sheets left over from the certification testing, the printers created a packaging for Colgate in the form of a gold bar – unusually, even before the paperboard was on the market.

    • Company News
    • English
    • Modified 27 Jan 2017
    • Hits 1005