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    Webinar - The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and its impact on cosmetics

    • ICMAD
    • Frank Robledano Espín
    Beauty, Personal Care, Cosmetics, Personal Care, Textiles

    TPP brings big changes for the U.S. personal care and cosmetics industry. How will these changes affect your business? How will TPP affect certificates of free sale? Will TPP help or hurt small and medium businesses in the global market? You can't afford to miss this vital information!

    Date: May 25, 2016
    Time: 1pm Eastern
    Cost: $25 Member/Non-member
    ICMAD and the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration present "The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement and its Impact on Cosmetics."

    In this webinar, staff from the International Trade Administration will provide an overview of the key sections of the TPP, and will discuss the impact the Agreement will have on the U.S. cosmetic and personal care industry, and exporting products to TPP markets, which accounted for 47% of all U.S. exports in 2014.

    Expert Guest Speakers:
    Joshua Teitelbaum, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles, Consumer Goods and Materials
    Tracy Gerstle, International Trade Specialist, Personal Care & Cosmetics Products, Industry & Analysis

    Moderated by: Carl Geffken, ICMAD International Committee Chair

    See also

    • Topic Entry
    • English
    • Modified 25 May 2016
    • Hits 895